«It is estimated that 50% of the U.S. population has a chronic disease, and caring for them is consuming 86% of healthcare costs.»
«Many organizations still rely on traditional chronic care models characterized by periodic in-person encounters that can be inconvenient, expensive and insufficiently frequent. The question is: How will hospitals provide more robust, timely and cost-efficient care moving forward?»
«Some health systems are beginning to reconfigure care models to proactively care for patients with chronic conditions and illnesses, and a key component of this is implementing remote patient monitoring services. RPM allows for patients to share data in a non-clinical setting (like their home) and receive care assessments and recommendations between visits.»
«To get insights into this technologically enhanced care for chronic conditions, we talked with Sarah Carroll, senior director of the Center for Care Transformation at AVIA, a healthcare digital transformation technology and services company.»
Article written by Bill Siwicki.
Photo by: AVIA
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