Cosymbio el coworking de laboratorios

Cosymbio el coworking de laboratorios

Summary: El boom de los coworkings ha llegado al sector de la salud con la inauguración de un innovador espacio en el barrio barcelonés del Poblenou. La empresa catalana Cosymbio ha sido pionera en...

World Best Smart Hospitals 2024

World Best Smart Hospitals 2024

Summary: Una lista que incluye 330 hospitales de 28 países que sobresalen en el campo de las tecnologías inteligentes, destacando por su uso de funcionalidades electrónicas, telemedicina, imágenes...

Rewarding people for taking their meds

GoodRx, an online pharmacy and telehealth app, is trying to take it a step further by launching a digital “medicine cabinet.” The idea is to create a one-stop shop that allows people to check price...

Next-Gen Digital Stethoscope

Eko Health has launched the CORE 500 Digital Stethoscope, a next-generation tool for heart and lung disease detection. Combining artificial intelligence (AI) software, high-fidelity audio, a...

Using AI to eliminate protein allergies  

Summary: Allergy sufferers currently have limited treatment options despite the increasing prevalence of allergies. The only FDA-approved treatment available today is food allergy immunotherapy,...

Digital Health: benefit and concerns

Summary: "Digital health has the potential to transform the way healthcare is delivered by enabling remote monitoring, improving patient outcomes, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs. For...

How brain chips can change you

Summary: "Elon Musk wants to put a computer chip in your brain. Well, maybe not in your brain, but in the brain of some human somewhere." "Musk's neurotech startup, Neuralink, has been working...

Medtech in the Metaverse

Summary: "What happens when technology becomes more advanced than the technologist? Christopher Lafayette, founder of, posed the question at the end of his keynote address at the...

10 Key Medtech Themes for 2023

Summary: "We expect 2023 to be a pivotal year for the industry, as the accelerated acceptance of virtual care and demographic trends, such as an aging population, increasing chronic illnesses and...

Special Report: Interoperability

Summary: "The conversation on interoperability has shifted. It is no longer discussed as a technology problem, but rather as a complex change that depends upon relationships and culture. Jennifer...

The new era of mHealth

Summary: "Just like other buzzwords mHealth has a different meaning for different people. There is no one definition of mHealth that is accepted universally. mHealth is an abbreviation for mobile...

Digital Health Trends 2023

Summary: "14 longitudinal trends—micro-disruptive technologies, incremental innovation, societal phenomena—carefully extracted from my interviews, observations and research conducted in recent...

6 Highlights from HLTH 2022

Summary: "Among the takeaways from HLTH 2022 were the impact of consolidation on clinicians, behavioral health tools to help consumers manage stress and anxiety more productively, and how health...

Fast-tracking digital transformation

Summary: “Pretty much every business sector is digitally enabled today,” said Anne Snowdon, RN, PhD, Chief Scientific Research Officer, HIMSS Analytics. “From travel to banking to retail, everything...

A New Wearable Measures Brain Activity

Summary: "If you’ve ever had a brain scan, or even just seen one on TV, you probably know that it’s kind of a big deal. Measuring brain activity usually involves functional magnetic resonance...

Bringing wearable healthcare to life

Summary: "At Design Partners, designing medical-grade equipment for both the healthcare services industry and the consumer healthcare industry is a core pillar of our work. Because of the...

What’s next for digital healthcare

Summary: "Healthcare has been undergoing a slow revolution since the 1990s when authorities around the world began digitising records with the goal of reducing silos and enabling the sharing of...

You Need Some Smarter Clothing

Summary: "Dr. Do said: “These ‘smart fluid textiles’ take the advantage of hydraulic pressure and add the fast response, lightweight, high flexibility and small size of soft artificial muscles. In...

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