«Does a little electrical head stimulation make meditation easier? The folks at Bodhi NeuroTech say yes; the South Carolina-based tech startup is planning the launch of a headset that delivers gentle electrical currents designed to activate areas of the brain that are associated with meditation. According to Bodhi, stimulating the brain’s frontopolar and insula regions — close to the forehead and temples — helps to ease the brain into a state of calm and bliss. So does the forthcoming Zendo device work? Much like the brain itself, it’s complicated.»
«The practice of delivering low intensity electrical stimulation to the brain, called cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES), has been around since the 18th century, mostly lingering on the edge of accepted medical practices. CES saw a surge in the 2000s with a wave of new devices aimed at treating issues including insomnia, anxiety, and depression. In 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) downgraded the classification of CES devices, finding that in clinical trials they weren’t effective in treating patients with depression. Trials of CES devices with healthy, neurotypical participants are scant. And while the few of these such studies that exist do show CES can reduce feelings of anxiety, there’s little evidence that these effects are purely physiological and not — in full or in part — psychological.»
Article written by William McCleary
Health Tech Insider