Telehealth company Teladoc is increasing its investment in artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance its telehealth solution for hospitals. Through its partnership with Microsoft, Teladoc plans to integrate AI and ambient clinical documentation technology into its Solo virtual care platform.

This collaboration builds on their existing partnership established in 2021, which aimed to streamline virtual care processes and integrate Teladoc’s Solo platform into Microsoft Teams. By leveraging Microsoft’s acquisition of speech recognition company Nuance, Teladoc aims to incorporate Azure OpenAI Service, Azure Cognitive Services, and Nuance Dragon Ambient eXperience into its virtual care solution for hospitals and health systems.

The integration of Microsoft’s AI tools will automate clinical note-taking during virtual and in-patient care, supporting the clinical workforce and reducing administrative burden. Teladoc aims to address physician burnout and documentation burden, which have been linked to rising rates of physician burnout and are significant concerns for its hospital and health system customers. Teladoc sees opportunities to improve patient care and alleviate workforce burden through its technology, particularly with increased access and hybrid workflows like virtual nursing. By automating patient documentation using Nuance DAX in its Solo platform, clinicians can interact more naturally and focus on patient care during telehealth visits. Additionally, Teladoc is testing generative AI tools for its in-house providers and plans to incorporate Nuance’s voice-enabled medical scribe application integrated with OpenAI’s GPT-4 into Teladoc Health Medical Group.

Article written by Heather Landi



Fierce Health