
Organoids, miniature and simplified versions of organs cultivated in vitro, have long served as invaluable tools in understanding cell behavior, particularly in cancer research. However, their potential has been restricted by their inability to mimic complex processes involving multiple cell types and tissue organization levels. Traditionally, such investigations required resorting to animal models, posing challenges in real-time observation, ethical concerns, and high costs.

In a groundbreaking development published in Nature today, researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne have introduced a novel organoid model for colorectal cancer capable of generating tumors in the lab. These cellular cultures promise to unravel the intricate processes underlying malignant growth, paving the way for innovative therapeutic strategies.

These organoids, ingeniously engineered to respond to blue light activation, initiate tumor formation at predetermined sites, enabling high-resolution tracking over several weeks. Remarkably, the tumor growth observed mirrored that in mice, suggesting a faithful representation of colorectal tumor development in animals.

«Our study has enabled the creation of the first ex vivo model realistically mimicking tumor formation,» explains Luis Francisco Lorenzo, a Spanish researcher at the Swiss institution and the lead author of the study.

Offering a more comprehensive insight into cancer progression than conventional cell cultures, these models are poised to revolutionize the identification of genetic targets and tumor-suppressing drugs.

«This breakthrough will facilitate in vitro experiments previously feasible only with animal models. Consequently, not only can we reduce reliance on animal research in cancer investigations, but we also gain enhanced resolution in studying the molecular and cellular processes driving tumor development,» Lorenzo asserts.

While this cutting-edge technology provides a flexible platform for colorectal cancer research, it does face limitations related to the partial reconstruction of the tumor microenvironment, a critical element for accurately modeling its formation.

Nevertheless, Lorenzo remains optimistic about the adaptability of this approach for studying other cancer types, underscoring its potential as a valuable experimental resource in oncology. With further refinements, these organoid models could revolutionize cancer research, offering new avenues for understanding and combating various malignancies.

Article written by Salud a Diario



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