Chronic kidney disease and heart failure are conditions where potassium imbalances can have life-threatening consequences. While glucose monitoring for diabetes has become commonplace, potassium monitoring is still in its early stages due to the difficulty in measuring it effectively. However, startups are emerging to address this issue, and one of the most promising is Proton Intelligence.

Based in Canada, Proton Intelligence has developed a continuous potassium monitoring device, with clinical trials underway. The product, set to launch in 2025, involves a small device that will be inserted under the skin to monitor potassium levels. This device will sync with a smartphone app, allowing patients to track their potassium levels in real time and receive notifications if they move out of the safe range, influenced by diet or medication.

Additionally, the data collected by the device is made available on a clinician dashboard. This enables healthcare teams to monitor trends in the patient’s potassium levels, making it easier to adjust treatments or therapies based on real-time data, rather than waiting for periodic blood tests.

By providing continuous and immediate feedback, the device aims to prevent life-threatening complications that can arise from potassium imbalances, improving patient outcomes and reducing preventable hospitalizations.

With $6.95 million in seed funding, Proton is poised to revolutionize how potassium imbalances are managed, reducing preventable hospitalizations and even saving lives. The product has the potential to significantly impact clinical outcomes by enabling better, real-time monitoring of patients at risk.

Article written by Mike Butcher



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